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Shedd-Porter Memorial Library offers over 18,000 volumes for patron circulation.  We also offer a variety of magazines for both in-house use and available for check-out. For a complete list of our available subscription print periodicals, click here.

Interlibrary Loan

Shedd-Porter Memorial Library participates in the New Hampshire State Library's Inter-Library Loan program. Patrons are welcome to request titles held by other public or academic libraries in New Hampshire.


There are no limits on the number of items a patron may borrow. Items cannot be brand new. We may only borrow items published or released at least six months ago. Requests may take up to two weeks depending on availability and any need for quarantine.  Loans are for 6 weeks. Any requests for renewal should be made to SPML, not the lending library. Please provide as much information as possible regarding the item(s) you wish to borrow, such as the title, author, and the media form (book, DVD, audiobook, large print etc.). 


Requests can be made in person, via email or phone, or by logging in to your library account. A link to the state’s catalog is here.

Digital Resources and Databases

The library offers digital resources that are available 24/7 with your library card.

Need help? Email us at


Shedd-Porter Memorial Library offers patrons free use of a variety of databases.  You can download audiobooks and ebooks, get book recommendations through Novelist, or research family history through HeritageQuest – to name a few! Descriptions can be found next to the links on our catalog page. To access our databases remotely, log in with your library card through our catalog.


Shedd-Porter also offers patrons free access to However, use of this database is restricted to within the library facility.


The library hosts a variety of programming for patrons of all ages.
Details on programming for children can be found on the Youth page.


The following free programs are regularly scheduled at the library.
All are welcome.


Crumb Together Cafe – On the last Saturday of every month, drop in to visit with friends and neighbors. Cinnamon buns and muffins from Sail the Sweet Sea Bakery are available with proceeds to benefit the library. This is a community favorite! A donation of $5/bun and a $1/coffee is suggested.


Civil Conversation - The third Saturday of every month from 9:30 – 11 am.
Drop in for moderated civil conversations with friends and neighbors about current events and topics of interest to all.


SPML Page Turners - A Facebook-based Book Club for patrons and Friends of Shedd-Porter that celebrates books and reading!  Ask us how you can join!

Public Access Computers & Wi-Fi Access

We offer four PC’s for public use. Each is equipped with Internet access. We offer Wi-Fi free for patron’s personal devices. The password is available at the circulation desk.

Printing and Copying Services

The library offers a black/white and color printer and copier for public use.
The charge is $.20 per page for Black and white, $.50 for color.  Scanning to email or a thumb drive is free.

Interlibrary Loan
Digital Resources
Public Computers
Print and Copy

Shedd-Porter Memorial Library

2 Main Street

Alstead, NH 03602




Tuesday 2 - 5 pm

Wednesday 11 am - 5 pm

Thursday 11 am - 7 pm

Friday 11 am - 5 pm

Saturday 9 am - noon

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